Treatments with Sarah go well beyond acupuncture. They may include:

Acupuncture and teishin (non-insertive needling used on all ages, even infants)

Intuitive medicine, guided meditation

Bodywork modalities: cupping, tui na and shiatsu massage, Sotai (a Japanese form of neuromuscular re-education)

Moxa (an herb gently, briefly burned on the skin)

Chinese herbal therapy

Electrical stimulation

Cosmetic acupuncture

Listen to Sarah’s guided meditations

The following meditations will give you a sense of the spiritual healing work Sarah may incorporate into her treatments.

$175 90 minute initial intake and acupuncture session

$120     60 minute acupuncture session

$140 60 min Cosmetic acupuncture

$110 60 min new patient Pediatric acupuncture/shoni shin

$75-90 30-45 min Pediatric follow up

Check with your INSURANCE provider to see if your plan covers out-of-network acupuncture.

Appointments available:

BOULDER office: Tues & Thurs

LYONS office: Weds & by appt

More about energetic and intuitive medicine

Energy medicine is excellent preventive medicine. It allows us to find where imbalances are beginning to arise, which, left untreated, would likely develop into physical or mental/emotional disease. Through the lens of intuitive medicine we can see where we may be carrying stored emotional trauma or beliefs about ourselves or the world that can not only lead to maladies, but that are also hindering us from being fully connected to our own innate wisdom regarding our physical and emotional health. By clearing these blocks or unwinding old energy patterns, symptoms can dissolve and wellbeing can be reestablished. Working in this way is powerful on a physical, mental, and emotional level. 

As the scientific world is beginning to develop technology to read and study the electromagnetic fields of our bodies, scientists can see energetic signatures of disease. Dr Valerie Hunt, former professor of Physiological Science at UCLA, tell us that when we look at the electromagnetic field of a person who is in remission for cancer, we can still see the energetic imprint of that cancer. Energetic imbalances precede the development of physical manifestations of disease (symptoms). This has brought many scientists to state that energetic medicine should be at the forefront of medical research. Pretty powerful huh?